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Don’t Skip Fall Heat Pump Maintenance in Buffalo Grove, IL

Heat Pump Maintenance in Buffalo Grove, IL

If you rely on your heat pump to stay warm in Buffalo Grove, IL, it’s important to schedule professional maintenance. Autumn is the ideal time to get your system checked to ensure it’s ready for the cold season. Regular tune-ups offer several benefits, including improved energy efficiency, enhanced safety, and a longer lifespan for your heat pump.

More Energy-Efficient Performance

Over time, numerous issues can reduce a system’s efficiency. For example, dirt and grime buildup can obstruct heat transfer. This can cause the motor can wear down, leading to longer cycles.

Tune-ups eliminate most of these issues, and you can schedule a separate appointment to deal with issues that maintenance doesn’t cover. The result will be improved performance and perhaps a lower monthly bill.

Safety and Peace of Mind

Heat pumps use a chemical called refrigerant. This is something you don’t want leaking out of the system. Maintenance can ensure that leaks don’t occur, and it can also prevent wiring from getting loose or corroded and starting a fire.

In addition to feeling safer, you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing your system won’t break down unexpectedly.

A Long-Lasting Unit

With ducted heat pumps, you can usually put off a new system heating system installation for 10 to 15 years as long as you get yearly maintenance for it and don’t run it unnecessarily. With ductless mini-splits, the lifespan is closer to 20 years. On the other hand, if you neglect maintenance, your system may break down before even a decade has passed.

If you live in Buffalo Grove, you can rely on Comfort Indoor Solutions Inc. to give your heat pump expert maintenance, so call today for an appointment. Our technicians average more than 15 years of experience, and they can work with any brand or model of heat pump.

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